Eu-s néven magyar részek
Néhány település EU - kompatibilis neve:

Pacific Csaba = Békéscsaba
Saturday Place = Szombathely
Have Six = Hatvan
Very Bad Iron = Szarvas
Legless = Lábatlan
Mizs Of Louis = Lajosmizse
Saint S = Szentes
Red One House = Veresegyház
Will Of Balaton = Balatonakarattya
Little Hold It = Kistarcsa
Nutty D = Diósd...
Szeretjük a túristákat
... városaink nevét az idióta túristak számára!:)

Egy kis nyelvlecke mindenkinek:

Pacific Csaba = Békéscsaba
Saturday Place = Szombathely
Have Six = Hatvan
Very Bad Iron = Szarvas (ez igen diszkrét)
Legless = Lábatlan
Mizs Of Louis=Lajosmizse
Saint S=Szentes
Red One House=Veresegyház
Wish Of Balaton= Balatonakaratt...
Település nevek
Település nevek másként

Békéscsaba = Pacific Csaba

Szombathely = Saturday Place

Hatvan = Have Six

sz*rvas = Very Bad Iron

Lábatlan = Legless

Lajosmizse = Mizs Of Louis

Szentes = Saint S

Veresegyház = Red One House

Balatonakarattya = Wish Of Balaton

Kistarcsa = Little ...
Település nevek másként
Békéscsaba = Pacific Csaba

Szombathely = Saturday Place

Hatvan = Have Six

sz*rvas = Very Bad Iron

Lábatlan = Legless

Lajosmizse = Mizs Of Louis

Szentes = Saint S

Veresegyház = Red One House

Balatonakarattya = Wish Of Balaton

Kistarcsa = Little Hold It

Diósd = Nutty D
"Angol" humor

Uniós tagságunk egyöntetű, "uniós" városneveket igényel, melyek a következők:
Pacific Csaba = Békéscsaba
Saturday Place = Szombathely
Have Six = Hatvan
Very Bad Iron = Szarvas
Shit Iron = Szarvas
Legless = Lábatlan
Mizs Of Louis = Lajosmizse
Saint Sh = Szentes
Red One House = Veresegyház
Wish Of Balaton = Balatonaka...
Magyar városok angolul
Pacific Csaba = Békéscsaba
Saturday Place = Szombathely
Have Six = Hatvan
Very Bad Iron = Szarvas
Legless = Lábatlan
Mizs Of Louis = Lajosmizse
Saint S = Szentes
Red One House = Veresegyház
Wish Of Balaton = Balatonakarattya
Little Hold It = Kistarcsa
Nutty D = Diósd
Turkish Valentine = Törökbálint
Girlvillage = Leányfalu|...
... my life and I held both your hands.
Now that decades have passed,
ours souls have indeed become one.
How fortunate we are
that we have found the love so true
that everyone dreams about.


You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining dow...
... partly, too, grief flowed from trouble in their marriages or relationships. They had learned to be receptive, but receptivity wasn't enough to carry their marriages through troubled times. In every relationship something fierce is needed once in a while: both the man and the woman need to have it. But at the point when it was needed, often the young man came up short. He was nurtu...
A magyar népek őstörténete 3
... taken with thy beauty; be not ashamed, but deprive him of his soul. He perceivel thee, he is rushing toward thee, toward thee arrange thy garment; he is coming upon thee, receive him with every art of woman, ..and he will press thee to his breast. Az angol szerző hozzáteszi: I have softened a good deal the account of the seduction, which is described with , a sincerity and precisi...
So wistfully at the day.

I never saw a man who looked
With such a wistful eye
Upon that little tent of blue
Which prisoners call the sky,
And at every drifting cloud that went
With sails of silver by.

I walked, with other souls in pain,
Within another ring,
And was wondering if the man had done ...
Ez történt - December 20.-án
December 20.

1648. december 20. X. Ince pápa közzéteszi a ,,Zelo domus Dei" kezdetű bullát, amelyben elítéli a legalább részleges vallásszabadságot biztosító ,,Cuius Regio Eius Religio" elvet, amely az egész Közép-Európát elnéptelenítő harmincéves vallásháborút lezáró westfáliai békében született.

1676. december 20. Blakullában (a mai Své...
The Right to Bear Arms and Self-Government
... context of it. The Second Amendment did not come out of a vacuum. First, the right to keep and bear arms comes out of English law. Henry II commanded in the Assize of Arms in 1181: “Let every holder of a knight's fee have a hauberk, a helmet, a shield and a lance. And let every knight have as many hauberks, helmets, shields and lances, as he has knight's fees in...
Címkék: Bear Arms, Pacific Csaba, Saturday Place, Have Six, Very Bad Iron, Mizs Of Louis, Saint, Will Of Balaton, Little Hold It, Nutty, Mizs Of Louis=Lajosmizse, Saint S=Szentes, Wish Of Balaton= Balatonakaratt, Wish Of Balaton, Shit Iron, Saint Sh, Turkish Valentine, Cuius Regio Eius Religio&#8221, Second Amendment, Henry II, magyar népek, idióta túristak, angol szerző, good deal, legalább részleges, egész Közép-Európát, balatonakarattya, balatonakaratt, relationships, elnéptelenítő, vallásháborút, városneveket, kompatibilis, relationship, harmincéves, szombathely, veresegyház, törökbálint, girlvillage, receptivity, mindenkinek, blakullában, őstörténete, lajosmizse, békéscsaba, westfáliai, közzéteszi, government, túristákat, következők, hozzáteszi, nyelvlecke, balatonaka, prisoners, kistarcsa, település, sincerity, városaink, szeretjük, commanded, született, perceivel, wistfully, marriages, leányfalu, amendment, valentine, described, wondering, receptive, seduction,
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